Care & Use

Clay products, such as pottery, ceramics, and clay cookware, require proper care and use to ensure their longevity and functionality. Here are some guidelines for caring for and using clay products:

Caring for Clay Products:

  1. Cleaning: Clay products should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt and residue. Use warm water and a mild detergent to clean them. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers, as they can damage the clay's surface.
  2. Drying: After cleaning, allow clay products to air dry thoroughly before storing them. Do not use excessive heat or direct sunlight to speed up the drying process, as this can cause cracking.
  3. Avoid sudden temperature changes: Clay is sensitive to extreme temperature changes. Do not expose clay products to rapid temperature fluctuations, such as moving them from the freezer to a hot oven or from a hot stove to cold water, as this can cause thermal shock and lead to cracks or breakage.
  4. Storing: Store clay products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. If possible, use soft cloth or paper towels to separate stacked clay items to prevent scratching.
  5. Glazed vs. unglazed: Some clay products are glazed to enhance their appearance and make them more resistant to staining. If your clay product is glazed, make sure to follow the manufacturer's care instructions. Unglazed clay products may require more careful handling, as they are porous and can absorb liquids and odors.

Using Clay Cookware:

  1. Seasoning: Before using clay cookware for the first time, it's often recommended to season it. This involves after washing your Pot/ Wok Boil 1 or 0.5ltr Milk in it. 
  2. Low to medium heat: Clay cookware is excellent for slow, even cooking. Avoid using high heat settings, as this can cause the clay to crack. Start with low to medium heat and don't increase the heat above medium high.
  3. Preheating: Always preheat clay cookware gradually to prevent thermal shock. Place it in a cold oven and then turn on the heat. Similarly, when using it on a stovetop, start with a low flame and gradually increase the heat.
  4. Cooking with liquid: When cooking with liquids, such as soups or stews, be sure to keep the pot partially covered to allow steam to escape. This prevents pressure buildup that can cause cracking.
  5. Wooden or silicone utensils: Use wooden or silicone utensils in clay cookware to prevent scratching the surface.
  6. Avoid metal utensils: Avoid using metal utensils, as they can scratch and damage the clay's surface, especially in unglazed clay cookware.
  7. Cleaning: After cooking, allow clay cookware to cool before cleaning. Clean it with warm water and a mild detergent, using a soft sponge or cloth. Avoid harsh abrasives or metal scrubbers.